When it came 20 years ago to the foundation of our small religious institute in the Netherlands, was this fact for sure a result of the visionary view of our founder, Fr. Miguel Buela, IVE, to prolong the Incarnation of the Son of God in all men, in each man and in all human manifestations.
And the Netherlands were at that time and are still not an easy country, where such an “inculturation” could and can just proceed in big steps.
This fact is mainly also due to an experiment, which has taken place in this country nearly 50 years ago. It was the experiment of liberal positions within the Catholic Church of the Netherlands and what the actual Dutch Cardinal Willem Jacobus Eijk recently called an error. In his summary he pointed out, that the Netherlands today are an example, which shows, that the expelling of God of the society is leading to a loss of the value of the human person. The increasing numbers of abortions and cases of euthanasia are underlining this fact.
Therefore, today is a special day of thanksgiving to Almighty God for all the favors and graces, which our small religious institute has received here in this country during these last 20 years. We are well aware, that all good things came, are coming and will finely come from Him.
Especially we thank for the different Dutch vocations to the priesthood in our institute, but also for the big numbers of Dutch vocations for our sister-congregation “The servants of the Lord and the virgin of Matara”.
Each of these vocations are meant to be a prolongation of the living Christ. Therefore, it is important, to keep always in mind the whole life of Our Lord Jesus Christ here in this world.
He was born in a poor and humble place. He was obedient to his parents. He was living a hidden life for nearly thirty years. During three years he visited so many places to proclaim the good news. He endured the most difficult sufferings. He died on a cross for each one of us. Finally, He rose from the death and ascended in heaven. And everything He did out of real love.
The divine providence has sent each one us in a concrete place of mission, in one or the other of these mentioned life-situations of Our Lord Jesus Christ. And exactly in this our concrete place of mission we can be the best prolongation of His incarnation.
Temptation may occur to escape these concrete situations. But we never imitate our Lord better, if we endure with His help exactly in such moments.
In a wonderful homily our founder, Fr. Miguel Buela, IVE, is mentioning the temptation for missionaries in certain countries with little Christian faith, which consists in desiring to see apostolic fruits. And he is asking, what will be the first fruit of the missionary? His answer is very clear and simple: “To be there.” To be exactly there. Otherwise, most likely there wouldn’t be any missionary there. To be there, in that concrete missionary place, is already a fruit, a big fruit!
Therefore, it is for me today a big desire, to thank to each member of the two congregations of our religious family in the Netherlands for its missionary work in their concrete life-situations and very especially to those in the most hidden places. They all can be aware of the wonderful privilege, to be a real part of the prolongation of the Incarnation of the Word.
Many thanks also to the different superiors, especially to the former provincial, Fr. Franco Liporace, IVE; Mother Correndentora, General Superior and to Mother Porta Coeli, provincial of the “Servants of the Lord and of the virgin of Matara”.
Finally, I am thanking you, His Excellency, bishop Rob Mutsaerts, for joining us here today as main-celebrant. It is for us a big honor. Thank you very much. I hope, that you still can stay with us for our further festivities.
Long life the Incarnate Word!